(c) Senne Van Loock
Music Fri 28 Apr 2023 16:30

:: residents :: hans beckers - la floresta

(c) Senne Van Loock

time schedule

  • 16:30 doors
  • 17:00 try-out

:: residents ::

In 2023 zet Walter in op de ondersteuning van residenten en hun plannen. Via een open call selecteerden we huisresidenten, maar we helpen ook bij het realiseren van wilde plannen en ambitieuze projecten van anderen. Walter is al lang enthousiast over het parcours van Hans Beckers. Blij om hem een week lang te kunnen ondersteunen in het verdere maakwerk rond La Floresta. Afsluiten doet Hans met een intiem toonmoment.

Even tonen, even uitwisselen. Welkom.

Entrance is free. Seats are limited, so we kindly ask you to reserve your spot via the ticketlink. Doors close at 5 pm.

hans beckers - la floresta

Hans about La Floresta:

In ‘La Floresta’ the focused experience of listening is subject of my research. Through my way of experiencing nature into this sound installation and the music I intend to make with it, La Floresta embodies the sensory experience of nature. Music can transform one’s sense of time and space, it can take us into another world. My aim with this work is to bring an audience into a state of deep listening, in a trance-like state, and let them experience sound in its deep differentiations and intensities. 

Trough this work I want to create a new social and cultural context in the relation of trance and music and bring people together by listening as an integrated experience. One of the main reasons that music arose and persists is to bring people together.


