Music Sun 30 May 2021 20:00

Safe 'N Sounddays #10: Hans Beckers

time schedule

  • 20:00 live streaming

hans beckers: installatie

Hans Beckers werkt de komende maanden aan een nieuwe installatie (werktitel: La Floresta) en toont vooraf aan zijn residentie in Den Haag een work in progress van dit werk aan het publiek in Werkplaats Walter.  

"The sound that surround us, my fascination with it, is essential to all of my work. 

As I live with my ear to the ground; ‘the act of listening’ is my key to find a deeper touch with reality. A complex network of sound acts upon us each moment in time, beyond our awareness the audible reality colors our actual perception. While sound is omnipresent, we don’t dwell on it. We rarely observe frequencies and vibrations as a map of our emotional and physical condition. As such its revealing messages radiate straight into the unconscious.

The receptive way of listening is indispensable to perceive awareness and value the environment in deeper sensibilities. I believe ‘the focused act of listening’ can trigger self-realization and change in our lives. It sharpens our consciousness and creates a higher spatial and social sensitivity towards our environment and other creatures.

One part of my fascination is the way instruments are put together as a construction of sound trough material and texture. I engage in a constant search on how to change the relationship between person and instrument. In this way normal objects and materials that are not considered fit to play music on can in fact become musical instruments. Working with daily objects and natural materials while placing them in a context of contemporary music and visual arts is another constant in my work. It is at the center of Sonitum Horarium, Sonare Machina and Sonitum Voda, three of my previous sound installations and performances. In Sonitum Horarium I use different types of desert sand as a sound source, in Sonare Machina I used seed pods, herbs and grasses, and in my latest work Sonitum Voda the instrumentation consists of water and steam. I will continue this practice in the work ‘La Floresta’.
My sensory experiences in and my relation to nature is the starting point and inspiration for the sound instruments of ‘La Floresta’; in which I explore nature and technology as juxtaposition."

safe 'n sounddays

Werkplaats Walter is inviting you for a new series of Safe 'N Sounddays. Two Sundays a month, from January till June 2021, you'll discover a selection of fine solo projects and duos in jazz, free impro and classical music.

Due to COVID19 we will organise an online streaming of all the Walter-concerts between January and the end of May 2021. It's Walter's way to open up your ears and relaunch safe and intimate live concerts in 2021. By buying a ticket for this concert (series) or the streaming, you are directly supporting all musicians envolved.


A subscription for the full streaming service is available for 25 EUR, for at least 15 concert streamings (all available untill the end of June 2021). For practical reasons it's not possible to buy a ticket for a single live streaming.


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